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DOMAIN 4: Communication, Language, and Literacy 

Domain 4 Communication Language Literacy

Approaches to Communication



 Demonstrates motivation to communicate by participating in small or large group activities



Demonstrates they are building background knowledge



 Demonstrates understanding of what is observed by using relevant vocabulary, making inferences, and drawing conclusions



Demonstrates a growing receptive and expressive vocabulary 



Demonstrates their ability to represent ideas using a variety of methods 

English Language Arts and Literacy


 Print Concepts

Demonstrates understanding of the organization and basic features of print

Recognizes that words are read from left to right, top to bottom, and page to page

Recognizes that spoken words are represented in written language

Understands that words are separated by spaces in print

Recognizes and names some upper/lowercase letters of the alphabet, especially those in own name

Recognizes that letters are grouped to form words Diferentiates letters from numerals

Identifes front cover and back cover


Phonological Awareness 

Demonstrates an emerging understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes)  Begins to recognize and match spoken words that rhyme (e.g., songs, chants, fnger plays)

Begins to recognize individual syllables within spoken words (e.g., cup-cake, base-ball)

Isolates and pronounces the initial sounds (phonemes) in spoken one-syllable words (e.g., the/m/in map)


Phonics and Word Recognition 

Demonstrates emergent phonics and word analysis skills

Demonstrates one-to-one letter-sound correspondence by producing the primary sound of some consonants 



Displays emergent reading behaviors with purpose and understanding



Key Ideas and Details

  • Participates in discussions about a text (e.g., during whole or small group interactive read aloud discussions, during peer sharing, within play scenarios) 

  • Retells stories or share information from a text

  • Develops and answers questions about characters, major events, and pieces of information in a text


Craft and Structure 

  • Exhibits an interest in learning new vocabulary (e.g., asks questions about unfamiliar words)

  • Interacts with a variety of genres (e.g., storybooks, poems, songs) 

  • Describes the role of an author and illustrator 


Integration of Knowledge and Ideas 

  • Describes the relationship between illustrations and the text (e.g., what person, place, thing or idea in the text an illustration depicts) 

  • Makes connections between self, text, and the world (e.g., what is familiar, what does an event/picture/character make them think of, what do they remember)


Text Types and Purposes

  • Uses a combination of drawing, dictating, oral expression, and/or emergent writing to state an opinion about a familiar topic in child-centered, authentic, play-based learning

  • Uses a combination of drawing, dictating, oral expression, and/or emergent writing to name a familiar topic and supply information in child-centered, authentic, play-based learning

  • Uses a combination of drawing, dictating, oral expression, and/or emergent writing to narrate an event or events in a sequence

  • Creates a response to a text, author, or personal experience (e.g., dramatization, art work or poem)

Research to Build and Present Knowledge

  • Develops questions and participates in shared research and exploration to answer questions and to build and share knowledge (e.g., record and discuss an experiment of items that float and sink)

  • Engages in a discussion using gathered information from experiences or provided resources (e.g., collect materials from a nature walk; record and discuss what they are)


Comprehension and Collaboration

  • Participates in collaborative conversations with diverse peers and adults in small and large groups and during play

  • Follows agreed-upon rules for discussions, including listening to others, taking turns, and staying on topic

  • Participates in conversations through multiple exchanges

  • Considers individual diFferences when communicating with others

  • Interacts with diverse formats and texts (e.g., shared read aloud, video clips, oral storytelling)

  • Identifes the speaker

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

  • Describes familiar people, places, things and events

  • Creates a visual display (e.g., drawing, art work, building, writing)

  • Expresses thoughts, feelings, and ideas (e.g., role-playing, music, drawing, art work, building, writing)


  • Demonstrates command of the conventions of academic English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. 

  • Demonstrates command of the conventions of academic English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

* For the Core Conventions Skills and Core Punctuation and Spelling Skills for Grades P-2, the student is expected to know and be able to use these skills by the end of 2nd grade.

Knowledge of Language

  • Explores and uses new vocabulary in child-centered, authentic, play-based experiences

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

  • Explores and discusses word relationships and word meanings

  • Sorts common objects into categories (e.g., shapes, foods) for understanding of the concepts the categories represent

  • Demonstrates understanding of frequently occurring words by relating them to their opposites (e.g., hot/cold)

  • Uses words and phrases acquired through language rich experiences, conversations, reading and being read to, responding to texts, and child-centered, play-based experiences








Demonstrates their ability to represent ideas using a variety of methods 

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